Praise The Lord! The Covid Pandemic has really placed a challenge on America doing business, and the Church has experienced some setbacks, but these times have also brought out the creativity of God's People. Effective Holy Ghost Worship & Praise, with Miracles and Great Blessings, can be experienced when God's People get serious about RELATIONSHIP - with HIM and one another! COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF!
Finding God - The Journey
Outline for personal growth in building a living relationship with man's creator. Outline can be downloaded from the bottom of this section.
(Scroll to the Bottom for the Story of the Fire)
Revival of March 14 thru 23, 2018
Revival Results - Day 8: As the Holy Spirit moved to reveal the needs present, the people responded, and the results: 2 men (1 a visitor) was healed of damage and distress to neck & shoulders; 1 woman was healed of burning in her eyes; 1 woman was healed of a limp and extreme pain down her left leg; 1 woman was healed of painful pressure behind her eyes, and; 1 woman was healed of a left arm that would not function, leaving her with full freedom of motion. Praise the Lord!
Revival Results - Day 7: The Holy Spirit moved mightily with a description of what is taking place and what is to take place in the valleys around Dante. The Holy Spirit also revealed and healed: 1) An injured left shoulder; 2) An injured back and shoulders; 3) A breathing problem, and; 4) A nerve injury problem in the chest. The presence of the Holy Spirit was evident everywhere with great celebration! Praise the Lord!
Revival Results - Day 6: The weather outside was cold & snowy, BUT the Word of GOD came forth and lit a fire of prophecy & encouragement that resulted in the entire body praying individually for one another. What a sight! The Body of Christ ministering to family. Praise the Lord!
Revival Results - Day 5: Throughout the Revival the Holy Spirit has been using the Word of Knowledge to reveal needs in the services. The Holy Spirit again called out 3 in need: 1 with a hip and leg disorder; 1 with migraines, and; 1 with a condition causing suffering behind the knees. All three were immediately delivered by God's wonderful power, and a young lady came forward for prayer to move closer to the Lord! Praise the Lord!
Revival Results - Day 4: The Holy Spirit moved in a tremendous act of compassion and unity on the hearts of the congregation as 3 people came forward to be delivered from oppression of anger and unforgiveness, and the congregation joined them in an embrace of joy and love. Praise the Lord!
Revival Results – Day 3: 1 Teen and 1 Young Woman Saved; 2 others received the Baptism in the Holy Ghost. NOTE: Woman from Day 2 healed of walking difficulty awakened early the next day, prepared breakfast for her husband, and spent the entire day cleaning house, while leaving her cane in the bedroom. Praise the Lord!
Revival Results - Day 2: 1 Grandfather rededicated his life to Christ; Woman with walking difficulties because of neuropathy, swelling, and bad circulation in both feet NOW HEALED. Swelling is gone, feeling returned and walking normal. Praise the Lord!
The results of the first night: One Saved, One Healed of a two-year-old auto accident injury causing a limp to the foot and ankle, Three called out and Healed of a 25 year-old back injury from and industrial accident, a deteriorating knee joint, and severe migraine headaches. The Pastor of this Church – First Assembly of God – said, the Revival is HERE! Bring someone with you tomorrow night! Praise The Lord!
Fire On The Mountain…Revival Fires are burning brightly in Dante, Virginia! On Monday, February 25, the Lord spoke to this pastor during personal devotions and said, “Dante”. Thursday, March 1, I googled the location of this town and went to Dante, Virginia, not knowing why, only that the Lord was prodding me. Upon arrival in the community, the Holy Spirit moved upon me so powerfully that I had to stop my Jeep in the middle of the road for a few minutes. When the Lord released me, I continued my journey and drove through each and every ‘holler’ in that community. I kept asking the Lord, “Why am I here?” but He just prodded me on, stopping at each church along the way. I was looking particularly for a diner or restaurant, where I had seen myself, in a vision, leaning across a counter, while talking to a woman about the Lord, but I found no such place. At the upper end of Dante I came to the First Assembly of God church building – surprised that there was an Assembly of God church in the area – and wrote down the name of the Pastor from the church sign and copied the phone number from the church van. As I continued my journey back down the mountain, the Lord said, “Go to the museum and tell them ‘I know there have been people in this valley praying for Revival, and I have sent you to spy out the land.’” I had passed the museum earlier and noticed an ‘Open’ sign on the door, so I returned to that area, parked my Jeep, and went inside. The ladies, who work there, met me at the door, and showed great enthusiasm at the opportunity to share the treasures of Dante’s history, which was marvelously displayed throughout the museum. The ladies asked me if I had visited the museum before, and I assured them that until that day I had not known where Dante, Virginia, was located. Without any further small talk, the tour began.
As I perused the pictures on the walls, I saw a picture of a particular church. “Is that the Union Baptist Church?” I asked Thelma, the lady who was showing me around. “Why, yes it is” she said. “Have you been there? It is one of the oldest churches in the area” I replied, “No, I just came by there a few minutes ago.” That was the location where the Holy Spirit had so moved me. “Do you attend the Union Church – you are a Christian aren’t you?” I asked. “Oh, yes!” she said. “I am a Christian, but I don’t attend the Union Church. I attend First Assembly – up the hill.”
“Please don’t think I’m crazy,” I told Thelma, “But I had a wonderful experience with the Holy Spirit, when I first came into this town, and the Lord told me to tell the one I was to meet ‘I know there have been people in this valley praying for Revival, and I have sent you to spy out the land.’ So, what has been going on at First Assembly?” Thelma replied, “We have five preachers in that Church, and they have been meeting several times a week for some time now to pray for Revival.” I took out a Church business card and, giving it to her, I said, “Please give this to your Pastor, and ask him to contact me if he’s interested in what is happening here.”
Thelma asked me where I was from, and when I told her that I was from Kingsport, she said that she had family in the Bloomingdale area and at one time had gone with family to a little A/G church up in a holler in Bloomingdale, but she heard it had closed, or moved, or something, and they had built another one. To which I said, “You’re talking to the Pastor who moved it and built the new one.” Thelma and I returned to the front of the lobby area, where she gave me her Pastor’s cell phone number and the Lord said to me, “Buy some nuts. They need the money.” As I walked up to the tall glass counter, I noticed there was a bag of pecans displayed, and I told the lady behind the counter, “I want to buy these nuts,” and gave her some money. As she turned away to get my change, I leaned forward and place my elbows on the counter. Immediately, the earlier vision returned, and I knew the lady behind the counter was the one I had seen before coming to Dante.
I left Dante and returned home, stopping at St. Paul, where I found high ground from which to call Shirley, my wife, and tell her that I was on my way home from St. Paul with a wonderful story to share – I had not previously mentioned any of this to anyone.
Friday morning, while reading my Bible, the Lord urged me to contact the Pastor at Dante, so I gave him a call and found that Thelma was at his house, telling the events of Thursday, and they were all excited. When I asked the Pastor about the time of the next prayer gathering, he said it would be Saturday at 6:30 PM. My wife and I made that meeting (Saturday, March 3), where approximately 14 people gathered to pray. As the prayer gathering seemed to begin to dwindle, the Holy Spirit began to move in another direction and we began to pray for needs present. The results were: one Baptized in the Holy Ghost; one Healed of Deafness in both ears, and; one Healed of a job-related Shoulder Injury. The consensus was that the Lord intended to have Revival.
The Pastor and I, both determining to clear our schedules, decided to begin Revival Services on Wednesday, March 14, at 7:00 PM. Approximately 40 people were in attendance, and the Lord ministered mightily!
The results of the first night: One Saved, One Healed of a two-year-old auto accident injury causing a limp to the foot and ankle, Three called out and Healed of a 25 year-old back injury from and industrial accident, a deteriorating knee joint, and severe migraine headaches. The Pastor of this Church – First Assembly of God – said, the Revival is HERE! Bring someone with you tomorrow night! Praise The Lord!
FIRE ON THE MOUNTAIN.....Results Dante, VA Revival .
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